Monday, September 22, 2008

New Hampshire, Here She Comes!

Ashley Kay Mitchell is going to the Manchester, New Hampshire Mission!! She leaves on October 29 for the MTC in Provo. I'm sure there will be many tears as we watch the Called to Serve (aka Called to Tears) video and have to watch her walk off into the unknown doorway, where no parent ever ventures and no missionary ever returns through. It's the first hard door they must tract and behind it lies their first convert .....themselves.
Is she prepared enough? Only through venturing forth will we ever know. What hard experiences await her? None, only big or small learning experiences.
We've already begun praying for those whose lives she will eventually touch and for those who will most definitely touch her life.
We're so proud of the woman she has become and know that she is prepared to serve the Lord and the people in the New Hampshire area.
Way to go Ashley. We love you!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Adventure Begins!

Thanks to my cute new daughter Stephanie (Tony's bride) I am now an official blogger. I have enjoyed other people's blogs but never knew where or how to start my own. So, I called in the expert. She helped me get up and going. She has promised to be my guide until I get more confident.If you want to see her blog and her superb blogging skills click here;
Now I just have to make our life interesting enough that someone will want to read about it. So, stay tuned for the laughs, the tears, the drama, the twists and turns of the Mitchell Family as we glide our way through life. I hope this will help us to keep in touch with friends and family better.